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2017-01-16 10:21:21 宁夏教师招聘考试网 https://nx.huatu.com/jiaoshi/ 文章来源:宁夏华图

  【导读】华图宁夏教师招聘考试网同步宁夏华图发布:2017招教面试:说课稿模版系列,详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【2023宁夏教师招聘考试微信号】 ,更多资讯请关注宁夏教师微信公众号(ningxiajsht),宁夏教师招聘考试咨询电话:0951-6028571/6027571 18295188220,微信号:HT15202602573本文地址:https://nx.huatu.com/2017/0116/1496757.html





Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.

I have been ready to begin this representation with five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching aims, the important and difficult points, the studying methods, and the teaching procedure.

Part 1 Teaching Material

The content of my lesson is New Senior English for China Book___ Unit_________. This unit is about_____________ (ics). By studying of this unit, we’ll enable students to know __________________ and develop the interest in ___________________. At the same time, help the students learn how to___________________________ (functional items). From this lesson, it starts __________________________ (structures). (As we all know, reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing.) Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of this unit. If the Ss can master it well, it will be helpful for them to learn the rest of this unit.

Part 2 Teaching Aims

According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), and after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:

1.Knowledge objects (语言目标:语音,词汇,语法,功能,话题)

(1)The Ss can master the usage of the important words and expressions.

(2)The Ss can use the __________________ (grammar) in the proper situation.

(3)The Ss can understand the content of the lesson, talk about _______________________ (information) and get their own idea about _______________________________.

2.Ability objects (技能目标:听,说,读,写)

(1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing

(2) To guide Ss to set up effective studying strategies.

(3) To improve the student’s reading ability, especially their skimming and scanning ability.

(4) To train the Ss’ abilities of studying by themselves and cooperating .

3.Emotion or moral objects (情感目标:兴趣,自信,合作,爱国,国际视野)

(1)By completing the task, the Ss increase their interest in ____________________and set up self-confidence in _____________________.

(2)Teach the Ss_________________________, put the moral education in the language study.

Part 3 the Important and Difficult Points

Based on the requirement of the syllabus.

The important points are__________________________ such as ______________.

The difficult points are_________________________ for example_____________.

Part 4 Teaching Methods

As is known to us all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help Ss develop good sense of the English language. For achieving these teaching aims, (after the analysis of the teaching material and teaching aims,) I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories(现代社会交际教学理论) .

Communicative Approach(交际教学法)

Whole Language Teaching(整体语言教学法)

Task-based Language Teaching (任务教学法)

Total Situational Action (情景教学) a “scene — activity” teaching method , it establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss. At the same time, CAI (电脑辅助教学) can provide a real situation with its sound and picture, it can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.

Part 5 Teaching Procedure

Step 1 Warming-up & lead-in

Activity 1 Free talk (class work)

I will invite Ss to answer the following Qs.

Q1: Who do you think looks coolest in our class?

Q2: Do you like him/her?

Q3: If so, why? If not, why?

Activity 2 Picture-talking /Music-talking (individual work)

Download some pictures/music from the Internet. Guiding Qs may be:

Q1: Who’s she/he?

Q2: Do you like him/her?

Q3: If so, why? If not, why?

Q4: Do you think he/she is perfect?

Goal: To lead up to the ic, get Ss to warm up and arouse their interest in the ic.

Step 2 Pre-reading

Activity1 Look and guess (class work)

In this activity, Ss are required to look at the title/subtitle and guess what they will read.

Activity2 Brain-storming (class work)

In this activity, Ss are encouraged to think of as many words as possible to describe the picture/…

Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill---predicting and present some new words in the passage such as …

Step 3 while Reading

Activity 1 Skimming (class work)

Ss are required to go through the whole passage quickly to get the general idea and pay special attention to the first or last Para of the article (or the first sentence or the last sentence of each Para.)

Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill --- skimming, that is, how can we get the general idea of a passage as quickly as possible.

Activity 2 Scanning (group work)

Encourage Ss to read the passage again, exchange their understanding of the passage with their group members and work together to fill in the following form:


Part/para a. sentences/introduction

Main idea b.examples/supporting ideas

Detailed information c.conclusion

Goal: To develop Ss’ reading skill---scanning, that is, how to find out the clue of a story and motivate Ss to cooperate with each other.

Activity 3 Report (class work)

Invite some group members to report their work to the whole class.

Goal: To overcome Ss’ shyness and stimulate Ss to speak in public.

Activity 4 Further understanding and word study (pair work)

Encourage Ss to discuss the following Qs in pairs (A PowerPoint will be used here to present some blank-filling exercises and multiple choices.)

Q1: What does the word “this” in the last Para. but 3 refer to?

A. B. C.D.

Q2: What is the Chinese equivalent for the phrase “investing in loss”?


Q3: The word “flawless” in Line 5 of Para.2 can be replaced by ___

Q4: Which of the following statements is true or not true?

Goal: To help Ss to guess the meaning of certain unknown words and understand the passage exactly.

Step 4 Post-reading

Activity1 Role-play (pair work)

Suppose one student is a … and the other …. Ss are encouraged to put themselves in the situation and make a face-to-face interview.

Activity2 Discussion (Group work)

Topics may be :

Q1:Do u want to be perfect?

Q2: Do u think there is anyone in the world that is perfect?

Q3: Look at the subtitle/title “Remind yourself ”, remind yourself of what?

Activity3 Poster-designing/Cartoon-designing/…(group work)

Goal: These post-reading activities are intended to develop Ss’ creative thinking and get them to know the importance of …

Step 5 Homework

Task 1 Write a summary of the passage (about 100 words) (Individual work)

Goal: To spur Ss to consolidate what they have learned.

Task 2 Look up some more information about … (Individual work)

Encourage Ss to go to the school library or get on the Internet if possible to consult related English websites on the ic.

Goal: To encourage Ss to study English spontaneously and independently after class, arouse Ss’ interest in traditional Chinese culture and develop Ss’ culture awareness and cross-culture communicative skills.

Part 6 Blackboard Design

As for my blackboard-design, since time is limited, I’d like to give a brief introduction.


图书推荐 / 课程推荐

  • 公务员
  • 教师
  • 事业单位
  • 金融
  • 军队文职
  • 医疗
  • 招警
  • 公选遴选
  • 考研
  • 学历教育
  • 公务员
  • 教师
  • 事业单位
  • 金融
  • 军队文职
  • 医疗
  • 招警
  • 公选遴选
  • 考研
  • 学历教育



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  • 石嘴山
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  • 大学城
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